BTCManager is a digital asset news platform focused on publishing daily news articles that give accurate and timely information about developments in digital currency and innovations in financial technology.

Work completed as part of independent journalism & editorial overflow between 2017-2018

Rapid Turnaround Editorial Overflow

Breaking news & exclusive insight delivered to BTCmanager editorial team on ad-hoc short notice basis

Decentralized Finance Specialization

Freelance consultation & content delivery in DeFi specialist capacity

Sponsored Article Composition

Fast & efficient turnaround on client-sponsored feature posts


The rapidly-evolving landscape of the 2017-2018 cryptocurrency ecosystem created editorial overflow that necessitated the engagement of ad-hoc short notice freelance digital asset journalists. Content delivered to BTCmanager is focused on close-deadline rush stories and actionable, engaging sponsored content.

Ad-hoc freelance journalism
Decentralized finance expertise
Sponsored content copy
Editorial consultation


Content composed for BTCManager, including sponsored content, can be viewed via BTCManager author page.